СРОЧНО!!! Нужно составить 10 предложений с модульными глаголами ( И Желательно с переводом на русский!!)


Ответ дал: Amina15111
может с модальными?
Kate can speak English very well. Tom can run fast. Could you help me? Can she be so young? He can't have done it. 
I'll be able to do it only tomorrow. 
May I come? - Yes, you may. It may start raining soon. You might have told us about it. 
You must respect your parents. You mustn't go there. 
I have to get up early, as I live far from my college. I had to take a taxi yesterday. 
He is to meet us at the station. Who is to take care of the children? 
You should go to the doctor. 
You don't need to get up early tomorrow, it'll be Sunday.

Вика10022006: Большое спасибо!)
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