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fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Study the boxes above

1. I … (eat) dinner at six o’clock yesterday. 2. A: … (to drive) Helen to work? B: Yes, she …. 3. My neighbor … (to buy) a new car last week. 4. They … (to go) to Italy on their last summer holiday. 5. A: … they (to swim) at the beach? B: No, they …. 6. My family and I … (to see) a comedy movie last night. 7. First, we … (to do) exercise, and then we … (to drink) some water. 8. Suddenly, the animal jumped and (bite)___________ my hand.9. What time … (to get up) you in the morning? 10. The Wright brothers … (to fly) the first airplane in 1903. 11. I think I … (to hear) a strange sound outside the door one minute ago. 12. When I was ten years old, I … (to break) my arm. It really … (to hurt). 13. The police … (to catch) all three of the bank robbers last week. 14. How many times … (to read) you that book? 15. Unfortunately, I … (to forget) to … (bring) my money.


Ответ дал: HellishHelen


1. I ate dinner at six o’clock yesterday.

2. A: Did Helen drive to work? B: Yes, she did.

3. My neighbor bought a new car last week.

4. They went to Italy on their last summer holiday.

5. A: Did they swim at the beach? B: No, they didn't

6. My family and I saw a comedy movie last night.

7. First, we did exercise, and then we drank some water.

8. Suddenly, the animal jumped and bit my hand.

9. What time did you get up in the morning?

10. The Wright brothers flew the first airplane in 1903.

11. I think I heard a strange sound outside the door one minute ago.

12. When I was ten years old, I broke my arm. It really hurt.

13. The police caught all three of the bank robbers last week.

14. How many times did you read that book?

15. Unfortunately, I  forgot to bring my money.

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