Задание: Speak about each member of the family. Example: Boris is Nikolai's,Mikhail's and Maria's fafher,Victor'a and Sergei's grandfather. И тут идет таблица: Nikolai is....brother,....uncle. Mikhail is....father,....uncle. Maria is....sister,....aunt. Natalya is.... daughter-in-law,....wife. Maxim is....cousin,....nephew. Olga is....niece,....cousin. Victor is....nephew,....cousin. Igor is....brother-in-law,....husband.

Аноним: если ответьте дам ещё 100 балов


Ответ дал: galina572319
1. Nikolai is Mikhail and Maria's brother, Maxim and Olga's uncle.
2. Mikhail is Maxim's father, Victor, Sergei and Olga's uncle.
3. Maria is Nikolai and Mikhail's sister, Victor, Sergei and Olga's aunt.
4. Natalya is Boris Ivanovich's daughter-in-law, Nikolai's wife.
5. Maxim is Victor, Sergei and Olga's cousin, Nikolai and Maria's nephew.
6. Olga is Nikolai and Mikhail's niece, Victor, Sergei and Maxim's cousin.
7. Victor is Mikhail and Maria's nephew, Maxim and Olga's cousin.
8. Igor is Nikolai and Mikhail's brother-in-law, Maria's husband.
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