Вопрос № 1 Len ... a good student. is am are Вопрос № 2 Mother Mary and father Jack ... happy. is am are Вопрос № 3 We ... by the shop. is am are Вопрос № 4 It ... an old shop. is am are Вопрос № 5 I ... a pupil. is am are Вопрос № 6 Where .... you from? is am are Вопрос № 7 Larry and I ... in Moscow. is am are Вопрос № 8 Your brothers ... not in Rome. is am are Вопрос № 9 My mum and dad ... in Madrid. is am are Вопрос № 10 I ... sad. is am are


Ответ дал: Аннакошечка
1. Is
2. Are
3. Are
4. Is
5. Am
6. Am
7. Are
8. Are
9. Are
10. Am
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