Complete the sentences. Use must, mustn’t or needn’t.

1 You __________ forget to switch the TV off when you go to bed!
2 We __________ get up early tomorrow. It’s Saturday and we don’t have school.
3 We __________ do some shopping today. The fridge is empty.
4 We __________ say anything to Maria about the party. It’s a surprise!
5 You __________ put the rubbish in the rubbish bin.
6 Peter __________ work so much. He earns a lot of money already!
7 You __________ buy a ticket before you go into the cinema.
8 You __________ make noise after ten o’clock at night. Your neighbours will get angry.
9 You __________ do your homework tonight. You don't have school tomorrow.
10 We’re going to Monica’s house for dinner. We __________ take some flowers or a cake.


Ответ дал: 11122122222
1. needn't
2. needn't
3. mustn't
4. must
5. must
6. must
7. must
8. needn't
9. mustn't
10. must

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