Из двух предложений составь одно, используя слова after или before

1) I took the medicine. I felt a little better. 
2) Jane came to the party (at 6). Nick left (at 5:30). 
3) The film began (at 7). We got to the cinema (at 7:15). 
4) I told my parents everything. I felt much better. 
5) I learnt it by heart. I found a new poem. 
6) I read one of the "Harry Potter" books. I saw the film.


Ответ дал: galina572319

1. After I had taken the medicine, I felt a little better.

2.  Nick had left before Jane came to the party.

3. The film had begun, before we got to the cinema.

4. After I had told my parents everything, I felt much better.

5. After I had found a new poem I learned it by heart .

6. I had read one of the "Harry Potter" books before I saw the film.

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