Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past Indefinite или Future Indefinite.

1. My sister (to buy) a nice dog last month.

2. I hope she (to come) to us with her dog tomorrow.

3. We usually (to play) with her dog when she comes.

4. My mother and I (to read) a book about dogs at the moment.
1. My little brother (to sleep) now.

2. He usually (to go) to bed at seven.

3. But yesterday he (to go) to bed very late.

4. Next month he (not to go) to school and he hopes he (to get up) at 10 every day.
Пожалуйста ♥


Ответ дал: nunny
1. My sister (bought) a nice dog last month.
2. I hope she (comes) to us with her dog tomorrow.
3. We usually (play) with her dog when she comes.
4. My mother and I (are reading) a book about dogs at the moment.
1. My little brother (is sleeping) now.
2. He usually (goes) to bed at seven.
3. But yesterday he (went) to bed very late.
4. Next month he (will not go) to school and he hopes he (will get up) at 10 every day.
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