Дополни предложения
1. Billy made the yo-yo go______________ .
2. This sity has both ___________________ buildings.
3. The spinning top went _______________ .
4.The tailor's needle moved quickly _________________ of the cloth.
5.The servants ran ____________________bringing food to the king and his guests.
6.Mark is a good student. His work is always _________________ .
7.There was both_________________food on the meny.
8.She carefully moved the iron____________________over the blouse.


Ответ дал: nunny
1. Billy made the yo-yo go spin.
2. This city has both tall and low buildings.
3. The spinning top went round and round.
4. The tailor's needle moved quickly through of the cloth.
5. The servants ran fast bringing food to the king and his guests.
6. Mark is a good student. His work is always excellent.
7. There was both sweet and salty food on the menu.
8. She carefully moved the iron to and fro over the blouse.

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