Complete the exchanges.
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завтра сдавать!

1.A: Excuse me, where is the post office?
B: …................. this street as for as the bank.
2.A: .…....…..… get to the Royal Hotel,please?
B: Take the first turning on the right.
3.A :Excuse me!……………… the railway station?
B: Turn left into Milton Street.
4.A: Excuse me, could you tell me the the way to the limbrary?
B: …………………… . It is on the left,on the corner of Thames and Cam Street.
5.A: ………………….....……… to the bank?
B: Yes, keep going. It's next to the Town Hall.
Это Слова которые нужно вставить .

1.Could you tell me how to.
2.How do I get to .
3.Is this the way .
4.Go down .
5.Go straight on.



Ответ дал: ElskerNorge
1.A: Excuse me, where is the post office?
B: .
4.Go down. this street as for as the bank.
1.Could you tell me how to get to the Royal Hotel,please?
B: Take the first turning on the right.
3.A :Excuse me! 
2.How do I get to the railway station?
B: Turn left into Milton Street.
4.A: Excuse me, could you tell me the the way to the library?
5.Go straight on. It is on the left,on the corner of Thames and Cam Street.
3.Is this the way to the bank?
B: Yes, keep going. It's next to the Town Hall.
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