Заполните пропуски предлогами, где необходимо.
1. My friend`s name is Borisov. He is an economist. He works … an office … the first floor … our Ministry. His firm does business … a lot … firms. They sell very many goods … foreign countries.
2. Mr. Lidin knows English well. He often meets foreign businessmen and speaks English … them. Every day he receive a lot … mail … foreign firms and sends answers … them.
3. Mr. Petrov gets up … 8 o`clock. He has breakfast … half … 8. … breakfast h goes … his office. He lives … the Ministry. He comes … his office a quarter … 9 to get ready … work.
4. … ten minutes …9 Mr. Smirnov comes … his office, look … the letters … foreign firms and answers … them.
5. Take all the letters … that bag and put them … my desk. I`d like to look … all … them now.
6. You can speak … him … it … the phone.
Заранее спасибо)


Ответ дал: agurbashanasta
1. My friend`s name is Borisov. He is an economist. He works  in… an office on… the first floor  of… our Ministry. His firm does business with… a lot … of firms. They sell very many goods in… foreign countries.
2. Mr. Lidin knows English well. He often meets foreign businessmen and speaks English …with them. Every day he receive a lot …of mail …from foreign firms and sends answers …to them.
3. Mr. Petrov gets up …at 8 o`clock. He has breakfast …at half …past 8. …After breakfast he goes …to his office. He lives …near the Ministry. He comes …in his office a quarter …past 9 to get ready …for work.
4. …Past ten minutes …after 9 Mr. Smirnov comes …in his office, look …throgh the letters …of foreign firms and answers … - them.
5. Take all the letters …in that bag and put them …on my desk. I`d like to look …at all …of them now.
6. You can speak …with him …about it …on the phone.
Ответ дал: GreyBoar

My friend`s name is Borisov. He is an economist. He works in an office …on the first floor …of our Ministry. His firm does business with… a lot of… firms. They sell very many goods to… foreign countries.

2. Mr. Lidin knows English well. He often meets foreign businessmen and speaks English to… them. Every day he receive a lot of… mail from… foreign firms and sends answers to… them.

3. Mr. Petrov gets up at… 8 o`clock. He has breakfast at… half past… 8. After… breakfast he goes to… his office. He lives near… the Ministry. He comes to his office a quarter to 9 to get ready for work.

4. …At ten minutes to…9 Mr. Smirnov comes …to his office, look through the letters from foreign firms and answers …-- them.

5. Take all the letters …from that bag and put them on… my desk. I`d like to look through… all of… them now.

6. You can speak …to him about… it on… the phone.

GreyBoar: Даша, если вы хотите чтобы все ответы сошлись с ключами, надо видеть предыдущий текст + теор часть юнита. Некоторые ответы грамматически возможны, но маловероятны. Например, понятно, что рабочий день с 9 до 17, т е чел приходит в офис в 8.45 (a quarter to 9), а не в 9.15 (a quarter past 9). At/in the office и т д. Плз не сердитесь на меня, если не все мои ответы сойдутся.
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