3. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple.

1) Agatha Christie.................(not/write) Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
2) Sherlock Holmes.................(smoke) a pipe
3) Miss Marple....................(catch) many criminals
4) ...........................(hercule Poirot/live) in Belgium
5) The professor and Axel.................(find) a mysterious message
6) Jules Verne...................(not/live) in London, he lived in Nantes.
7) Agatha christie...................(create) yhe Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot
8) Hov........................................(Captain Nemo/travel)?
9) Arthur Conan Doyle......................(be) a famous writer
10)......................................(Dr Watson/help) Sherlock Holmes?


Ответ дал: Dendy45
1) wrote 2) smoked 3) caught 4) Did Hercule Poirot live in Belgium? 5) How did Captain Nemo travel? 6) Did Dr Watson help Serlock Holmes? 7) created 8) found 9) was 10) met

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