Сочините текст про любимого спортсмена ( Messi ). План 1. My favourite sportsmaan is he is a... 2. He (Tal, short, of medium height...) 3. He has got... eyes and hair. 4. He is... ( slim, thin, well-built, fat...) 5. My favorite sportsman is (polite, elever...) 6.He is a winner of championships . 7. Her one of the most successful athletes in history. 8. My favourite sport is...

Danil0071337: Какой у него номер на футболке
максим56711: 10
Danil0071337: Это не всё
Danil0071337: Он худой или средний?По весу
Danil0071337: Какой твой любимый спорт?
Danil0071337: Футбол,баскетбол?
максим56711: он худой мой любимый спорт футбол
Danil0071337: Всё я написал
Danil0071337: My favourite sportsmaan is he is a Messi.He short.He has got number 10 on sports shirt.He is well-built.My favorite sportsman is polite.He is a winner of championships.Her one of the most successful athletes in history.My favourite sport is football.
максим56711: спасибо большое


Ответ дал: Danil0071337
My favourite sportsmaan is he is a Messi.He short.He has got number 10 on sports shirt.

Danil0071337: My favourite sportsmaan is he is a Messi.He short.He has got number 10 on sports shirt.He is well-built.My favorite sportsman is polite.He is a winner of championships.Her one of the most successful athletes in history.My favourite sport is football.
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