Очееень нужно!!!!
1)I just(finish)my project
2)Tom(return)from the cinema by 5 oclock yesterday
3)When i (come) home yesterday,mother already (cook)dinner
4)When mother comes tomorrow,you already (repair) your bike
5)Before we (play) chess,we ( read) the text
6)They ( not read) this books yet
7)We (plant)the trees by 4 oclock tomorrow
8)... you ever ...(be) in Sochi?
9)The rain (stop) the sun is shining in the sky
10)After Sam (clean) his room he (watch) TV


Ответ дал: nunny
1) I have just (finished) my project.
2) Tom (had returned) from the cinema by 5 oclock yesterday.
3) When i (came) home yesterday,mother had already (cooked) dinner.
4) When mother comes tomorrow, you will have already (repaired) your bike.
5) Before we (played) chess, we (had) read the text.
6) They (have not read) this book yet.
7) We (will have planted) the trees by 4 oclock tomorrow.
8) Have  you ever (been) to Sochi?
9) The rain (has stopped) the sun is shining in the sky.
10) After Sam (had) cleaned his room he (watched) TV.
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