Hobby is what people like doing in their free time.
Most people choose a hobby according to their likes and
One of the most popular hobbies is collecting
different things. Some people collect badges and stamps,
some people collect bottles or flowers. There are people
who collect paintings or cars.
I collected coins when I was a child. I have a
collection of more than one thousand coins from all over
the world. My father collects stamps. His grandfather
started collecting them and then he gave his collection
to my father as a birthday present. There are very rare
stamps in the collection.
Making things with hands is another type of hobbies.
This includes drawing, painting, handicraft, etc. For
example, my friend sews small plush toys. My brother
makes toy planes. He has a big collection of them at home.
Playing computer games has become a very popular
hobby today. My brother is fond of computer games.
On the one hand it is good that a person has such a
hobby, but on the other hand it is not healthy, it can
harm his eyes.18
Speaking about me, my major hobby is English. I am
very good at it. My hobby includes reading books in
English, listening to English radio stations and watching
films in English. I also talk to my foreign friends and this
helps me improve my knowledge of the language.
I also like listening to music. I have a big collection
of CDs with different kinds of music. I also have some
favourite singers and I collect information about them.
Sport is another type of hobbies. It is not a
professional sport, mostly amateur sport. Some people
play football or volleyball. Others prefer spending their
free time watching sports programmes on TV. I think that
doing sport is a good hobby.
Now I want to talk about ways of spending free time.
I think that hobbies and pastime are connected with each
other because you do whatever you like in your free time.
My friend likes travelling and he spends most of his free
time travelling to small Russian towns. He has a car and
every weekend he drives to the country to see new places.
Sometimes I go with him. I think that this is a very good
hobby. You spend much time outdoors and you see new
Personally, I like reading and watching TV in my free
time. Most of all I like English educational programmes,
though there are few of them unfortunately. I think it is
necessary to have a hobby. Your free time is not wasted.



Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

Hobby is what people like doing in their free time.  Some people like collecting  different things, such as badges, stamps,  bottles, flowers, paintings or cars.

I collected coins when I was a child. I have a  collection of more than one thousand coins from all over  the world. My father collects stamps. His grandfather  started collecting them and then he gave his collection  to my father as a birthday present.

Making things with hands is another type of hobbies.  This includes drawing, painting, handicraft, sewing small plush toys or making toy planes.

Playing computer games has become a very popular  hobby today, but it can be bad for your health.  Playing sports is a better hobby, I think.  

My major hobby is English. I like reading books in  English and watching  videos and films in English. I also talk to my foreign friends and this  helps me improve my knowledge of the language.

Another hobby of mine is listening to music. I have a big collection  of CDs with different kinds of music.

Now I want to talk about ways of spending free time.  For example, my friend likes travelling and he spends most of his free  time travelling to small Russian towns. He has a car and  every weekend he drives to the country to see new places.  Sometimes I go with him.

I also like reading and watching TV in my free  time. I like English educational programmes.

I think it is  necessary to have a hobby. Your free time is not wasted.

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