Вставить слова was,wasn't,were,weren'n. 1. I ( ) at the cinema yesterday. The film ( ) great! ( ) you at home? No,I ( ) at a restaurant with my friends.The food ( ) terrible and very expensive.My friends and I ( ) happy,we ( ) angry! 2. ( ) there a lot of people at the festival yesterday? No,there ( ).The weather ( ) terrible. ( ) your sister at the festival with you? No,she ( ). She ( ) at a friend's house.


Ответ дал: VickyGG
The film was great! Were you at home? No, I was at a restaurant with my friends. The food was terrible and very expensive. My friends and I weren't happy, we were angry! Were there a lot of people at the festival yesterday? No, there weren't. The weather was terrible. Was your sister at the festival with you? No, she wasn't. She was at a friend's house.
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