Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Simple или Present Continuous 1.Mother (to cook) very tasty soups 2. Lool! Children (to play) in the yard. 3 Nick (to make) breakfast every morning 4. I can't speak to you now as I (to do) my homework 5.They (not to watch) TV at the moment, they (to read) newspapers. 6. I usually (to have) dinner after work 7. My parents (to have) dinner now. 8. You (to cook) every day? 9.You (to cook) meal now? 10. My brother (not to play) computer games now, he (to watch) TV. 11.I (not to drink) coffee now. I (to write) a composition. 12.Look! The baby (to sleep) . He always (to sleep) after dinner.


Ответ дал: пьер2
cooks, are playing , makes , am doing , aren 't watching they are reading , have , are having , do you cook everyday ? are you taking meal now? he is not play he is watching tv ,i am not drinking coffee now , write , is slepping , sleeps
Ответ дал: алёна123456789000
cooks Is playing Makes Am doing Doesn't watch, are reading Hasome Are having Cook Are cooking Doesn't play, is watching Don't drinking, am writing Is sleeping, sleeps
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