2.My working (to behin) at six o`clock
3....you (study) tomorrow at 3 o`clock
4.The child...(eat) now
5.The book (lie) on the table at that moment
6. The magazine .. (open) at the 9 o`clock
7.He ... not (wash) at this moment


Ответ дал: Qumru20031
1.She is reading now.
2.My work begin at 6 o'clock.
3.You will study tomorrow at 3 o'clock.
4.The child is eating now.
5.The book is lying on the table at the moment.
6.The magazine will open at the 9 o'clock.
7.He isn't washing at this moment.
P.S. В самих предложениях есть ошибки.
Номер 6 не magazine,a слово shop.(magazine-журнал,shop-магазин).At 9 o'clock, а не at the 9 o'clock.Во втором предложении не working,a work.
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