what 1) are you planning to do after the exams?2.____(you/stay) in London?
No,i 3)_____ (leave) this weekend.I 4)____(visit)my brother in Wales.What about you?
Yes.In fact,we 8)_____(play) at Sam's Place this Friday.Can you come?
Of cource.My plane 9)_____(not/leave) until 8 pm on Saturday so I 10)_____(have) plenty of time to pack
Is it Ok if 11)____(bring)a friend?
Используйте Present Simple,the present Continuous,be going to,will


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

What are you planning to do after the exams?

Are you going to stay in London?

No, I am leaving this weekend.I am going to visit my brother in Wales.What about you?

Yes.In fact, we are playing at Sam's Place this Friday.Can you come?

Of course.My plane doesn’t leave until 8 p.m. on Saturday so I will have plenty of time to pack.

Is it Ok if I bring a friend?

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