1)Jill hasn`t been there__three years?

a)ago b)since c)for

2)__Is it snowing?-Yes,it started two hours__

a)since b)ago c)for

3)They got that flat twelve years__

a)ago b)for c)since

4)We haven`t seen each other__that evening at Mr.Grey

a)for b)ago c)since

5)Our family haven`t heard from him___five months

a)ago b)for c)since


Ответ дал: brasshearses

*1)Jill hasn`t been there for three years?

2)Is it snowing?-Yes,it started two hours ago

3)They got that flat twelve years ago

4)We haven`t seen each other since that evening at Mr.Grey

5)Our family haven`t heard from him for five months


Ответ дал: irinasin4

1)Jill hasn`t been there__three years?

a)ago b)since c)for

2)Is it snowing?-Yes,it started two hours__

a)since b)ago c)for

3)They got that flat twelve years__

a)ago b)for c)since

4)We haven`t seen each other__that evening at Mr.Grey

a)for b)ago c)since

5)Our family haven`t heard from him___five months

a)ago b)for c)since

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