Раскрой скобки и составь 3 вопроса с WH (when,where,who...)
1. Last week I (visit) my grandparents.
2. We (not to be) at school yesterday.
3. My sister often (read) books in the evening.
4. They (not to do) exercises every morning.
5. I (spend) my summer holidays in the country.
Срочно!! Даю 20 баллов!!!

nikiyutunyy: Срочно!! Пож!!


Ответ дал: missmadina1

1. Last week I was visited my grandparents.
2. We were not be at school yesterday.
3. My sister often read books in the evening.
4. They don't do exercises every morning.
5. I was spend my summer holidays in the country.
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