употребить глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present, Past или Future Simple или Continuous.

Job interview normally (to take place) in the company’s office or recruiting agency. The market (to be) definitely there in a few years. Manufacturers (to produce) new goods from raw materials. Last year (to be) a good year for the firm and our sales (to increase) considerably.

       5.   At present engineers and designers of that plant continually (to develop) and (to                    create) new products.


Ответ дал: zorbing

Job interview normally takes place in the company’s office or recruiting agency.

The market will be definitely there in a few years.

Manufacturers produce new goods from raw materials.

Last year was a good year for the firm and our sales increased considerably.

At present engineers and designers of that plant continually are developing and creating new products.

Ответ дал: VibRa
Takes;will be;produces;was;increased;are developing и creating,
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