Употребите притяжательный падеж существительных.
1.the childer of John Turner. 2.the questios of my son. 3.the wife of my brother. 4.the name of this man. 5.the voice of this girl. 6.the car of my parents. 7.the room of my friend. 8.the handbags of these women.9.the flat of my sister is large. 10.the children of my brother are at home.11.the room of the boys is large.12.the poems of Lermontov.


Ответ дал: galina572319
1. John Turner's child 
2  My son's questions. 
3  My brother's wife. 
4. This man's name. 
5. This girl's voice. 
6. My parents' car. 
7. My friend's room. 
8. These women's handbags.
9. My sister's flat is large. 
10.My brother's children are at home.
11.The boys' room is large.
12.Lermontov's poems.
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