09.- Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive or -ing form.

1 A: I’ll never forget … travelling…. (travel) across America.

B: Yes, but you forgot ……….. (send) me a postcard, didn’t you?

2 A: I hate ……….. (ask) you, but can you help me with the housework?

B: Sure, but remember I hate ……….. (do) the vacuuming.

3 A: The door wants ………. (fix).

B: I know. I wanted ………. (ask) the carpenter to come and have a look but I forgot.

4 A: I’m sorry ………. (put) you in such a difficult position.

B: It’s OK. I’m sorry for ………. (shout) at you.

5 A: I’d prefer ………. (spend) this weekend at home.

B: Really? I prefer ……….(go out) whenever I’ve got free time.

6 A: Did he go on ………. (talk) about the same boring topics all night?

B: No, he went on ………. (show) us his holiday photos.

7 A: Don’t be afraid ………. (talk) to her in French.

B: I can’t. I’m afraid of ………. (make) mistakes.

8 A: I meant ………. (tell) you there’s a job vacancy at the chemist’s.

B: Well, I won’t apply if it means ………. (work) at the weekend.

9 A: Why don’t you try……… (take) a different medicine if you’re still ill?

B: I think I’ll just try ……….(get) some more sleep.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

1B to send

2A to ask

B doing

3A fixing

B to ask

4A to put

B shouting

5A to spend

B going out

6A talking

B to show

7A to talk

B making

8A to tell

B working

9A taking

B to get

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