помогите раскрыть скобки в Past perfect
1.When the second group of tourists (arrive) in London, the first group (already leave). 2.They (go) home after the film (finish). 3.She (tell) us about the places she (see) while she was travelling in England. 4.The children (go) to the skating rink as soon as they (return) from themuseum. 5.Milk (play) ten games by the end of the season. 6.Sue (like) the new game though she never (play) in before. 7. By the end of the Olimpic Games the national team (win) 12 medals.


Ответ дал: Drofa24
1 ..had arrived. 2...had gone. 3...had tollen...4.had gone. 5...had played. 6...had liked.7...had won

makeenkoger16: а как пишется это ты не сказала (already leave), (return), (finish)
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