Complete the questions with the question tags.

1. You have already been to this place, __?
2. Tom and Ken quarrel very often, __?
3. Your new classmate plays the guitar, __?
4. Nick enjoyed taking part in different quests and competition, __?
5. You were at home yesterday, __?
6. You are going with us __?
7. You are good at keeping secrets, __?
8. It's freezing today, __?
9. You have already apologized for your behavior, __?
10. Your brother looks very much like you, __?


Ответ дал: klakzara
1.havent you?
2.dont they?
3.doesnt she/he?
4.didnt he?
5.werent you?
6.arent you?
7.arent you?
8.isnt it?
9.havent you?
10.doesnt he?
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