Little или Few?
1.There is............water in the cup
2.I couldn't give him any pencils.Ihad very................. .
3.There is a lot of ham in the fridge,but there is veryy.................cheese.
4.Tom has made very.................mistakes in the dictation.
5.You made very................sandwiches.
6.I am sorry I have..............friends.
7.Can you buy some milk?We have got very..................... .
8.It's raining.There are very..............children in the park.
9.I'm sorry I have...................time today.
10.We have..................apples in our garden this autumn.


Ответ дал: And3228
1. little 
2. few
3. little
4. few
5. few
6. few
7. little
8. few
9. little
10. few

Ответ дал: privetiksu
Little используется для неисчисляемых, а few - для исчисляемых.
1. little
2. few
3. little
4. few
5. few
6. few
7. little
8. few
9. little
10. few
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