написать сочинение по- английски письмо, о хобби" хореография"


Ответ дал: Алинка555555555555
The 31th of October
Dear friend.
Thank you for your letter. It was great to get a letter from you.
I will tell you about my hobby.
Dancing is my life. I can't imagine my life without dancing.
I have been dancing for 7 years. I always take part in the concerts. My parents like to see how I dance.
I think that my hobby is very interesting. Believe me, there are no such people who cannot dance.
write me about your hobby.
Well, that's all.
Best wishes.
Alina.(напиши своё имя)

nastyazyz: Я живу в городе Кирове
nastyazyz: Да.
Алинка555555555555: всё надеюсь понравится
Вас заинтересует