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Номер 7 !


McViti: Я так понимаю по два предложения с каждому нужно, да?
ani53210: Да
McViti: Я написала, сейчас попросила модератора удалить второй ответ и тогда добавлю свое)


Ответ дал: McViti
1. I think that teachers in my school are both strict and understanding. Both American football and baseball are very popular in the USA. 2. Leonardo da Vinci was not only a great artist but he was also a well-known scientist. Not only it was raining all day but also all the buses were delayed. 3. Everybody always says that what counts is not the winning but the taking part. Kate is not a picky eater but she doesn't like certain foods. 4. He was given a final offer and was told to either take it or leave it. I haven't decided, I want either a slice of cheese cake or a slice of chocolate cake. 5. James is neither an extravert nor an introvert. Neither cats nor dogs are dangerous animals. 6. I am not sure whether to do this assignment now or later. Whether you like them or not but you have to admit that lemurs are adorable. 7. I usually have something to eat as soon as I come home from school. English isn't such a difficult language to learn as long as you put some effort into understanding it.

ani53210: Спасибо вам!
McViti: Не за что) кстати, в последнем предложение можешь вместо про математику написать English isn't such a difficult language to learn... Будет даже лучше)
Ответ дал: galina572319
1 Both children and grown-ups like funny stories.
2 Both girls  and boys took part in the sport competition on Sunday.

1 Not only children but also their parents took part in the sport competition.
2 Not only our parents but also my brother and I often helped our Granny to work in the garden last summer.

1 It was not Ann but Jenny who was the first to do it.
2 Not Pete but Tony  got the first prize yesterday.

1 Either Fred or Teddy should help their granny to water vegetables in the garden tomorrow.
2 You can ask either your sister or your mother to help you to do it.

1 Neither he nor she could solve the crossword.
2 Neither he nor she liked horror films.

1 They didn't know whether she could visit them on Sunday or not.
2 They didn't know whether to go there or not.

1 She tried to finish cleaning the room as quickly as she could.
2 He wanted to finish reading the book  as soon as possible.

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