Use the present perfect or the present perfect continuous the post
1. The post (come)?
2. Someone (use) my bicycle. The chain has fallen off.
3. He (study) French for two years and doesn’t even know the alphabet yet.
4. Mary (cry)? – No, she (not cry), she (peel) onions.
5. I often (see) her but I never (speak) to her
6. She (walk) for 3 hours.
7. I just (talk) to Ann


Ответ дал: nunny
1. Has the post come?
2. Someone has been using my bicycle. The chain has fallen off.
3. He has been studying French for two years and doesn’t even know the alphabet yet.
4. Has Mary been crying? – No, she has not been crying, she has been peeling onions.
5. I have often seen her but I have never spoken to her
6. She has been walking for 3 hours.
7. I have just talked to Ann.
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