помогите пожалуйста
Put in "a","an" or "the" where necessary:

1.It is washed by ... Atlantic ocean in ... east
2. we climbed ... Mount Everest in ... Himalayas
3. ... Canada is not in ... USA
4. She lives in ... Irkutsk, near ... Lake Baikal. It's ... deepest lake in ... world
5. . ... Great Britain is situated to ... west of ... Europe
6. . ... Germans drink much beer
7. He is in ... Netherlands now.
8. ... Paris is ... very beautiful city
9. University of ... Oxford is very famous.
10. I'd like to visit ... North Pole ... next year


Ответ дал: xset
1. the, the
2. -, the
3. -, the
4. -, -, the, the
5. -, the, -
6. -
8. -, a
9. -
10. the, -
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