Дайте краткие ответы на 1.We didn"t meet on Sunday. Did we? ....... 2.The pupils are seldom late. Aren"t they? ...... 3.We can sing English songs.Can"t we?........ 4.They never play on the floor.Do they?....... 5.There is no bookcase near the wall. Is there?.......6.There were plants in that classroom last year.Wasn"t there?........7.Pupils don"t often laugh at Maths. Do they?.........8.We shall study Art next year.Shan"t we?.....


Ответ дал: Харли2000
Did we meet on Sunday ? 
Aren't they are seldom late?
Can't we sing English songs?
Do they never play on the floor?
Is there bookcase near the wall ?
Do they dont often laugh at Maths?
Shan't we study Art next year ?

Харли2000: убери тогда Sundey ,late,English song ,on the floor ,near the wall ,at Maths , Art next year Получатся краткие вопросы
Харли2000: No i didnt
Харли2000: yes they are
Харли2000: yes we are
Харли2000: no they doest
Харли2000: b nl negj gjlcnfdkzq
Харли2000: и тд тупо подставляй
makstrofimov1: Что ты пишеш?
Харли2000: открой словарь и посмотри
Харли2000: если не знаешь просто пиши как я написала и все
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