Помогите написать на английском языке сочинение про мою квартиру с переводом .Не менее 7 предложений.Пожалуйста.


Ответ дал: IvanDiLittle
My name`s (Здесь твоё имя) I live in (Здесь твой город) in a big and light flat. 

My flat is beautiful and sunny. It has got five rooms. They are two bathrooms, a kitchen, a bedroom and a living room. The living room is big and cosy. There is a big TV, a sofa and two armchairs in it. My mum and I love sitting there watching TV.

My favourite room is a bedroom. It is smaller than the living room. But it is my favourite place because it is warm and comfortable. There is a bed and two cupboards. My bed is red. It looks like a real car. You can see a computer and a small TV in my bedroom. The room has got an aquarium.There are a lot of exotic fish in it. Every day I feed my fish and my mum helps me to clean my room. I like doing homework and playing in my room.

I like my flat!

Dasha3123: спасибо)))
Dasha3123: а перевод забыл(
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IvanDiLittle: Я скину
Dasha3123: ща
IvanDiLittle: не надо. я тебе сообщение отправил
Dasha3123: куда?
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