12. What … last Saturday?
A) Were they buying
B) They bought
C) Did they buy
D) They were buying
13. Mary … that he was not right.
A) Was understanding
B) Have understood
C) Understood
D) Has understand
14. The train … on time so we were late.
A) Didn’t come
B) Wasn’t coming
C) Wasn’t come
D) Didn’t came
15. How many chairs … to the room?
A) You have brought
B) Have brought you
C) You did bring
D) Did you bring
16. When I phoned she … a bath.
A) Had
B) Was having
C) Was have
D) Has
17. What … when your mother came back home?
A) Were you doing
B) You did
C) You were doing
D) Did you
18. What … her about the school ?
A) You told
B) Did you told
C) Told you
D) Did you tell
19. She … because she couldn’t find her dog.
A) Cried
B) Was crying
C) Crying
D) Cry
20. My parents … in 1970
A) Got married
B) Get married
C) Were getting married
D) Getting married


Ответ дал: nunny
12. C) Did they buy
13. C) Understood
14. A) Didn’t come
15. D) Did you bring
16. B) Was having
17. A) Were you doing
18. D) Did you tell
19. B) Was crying
20. A) Got married
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