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Ответ дал: rumyantsevalin
1) Ник2) Джейк и Майк3) Саманта4) Боб и Мэри5) Лен6) Господь7) Бен8) Люси9) Тим и Кэти

Tanya13th: там нужно составить предложение
rumyantsevalin: по анг?
Tanya13th: да
rumyantsevalin: 1.Nick was going to do the window,2.Jake and Mike my bike.3.Samantha washes dishes.4,Bob and Mary went to the movies.5.Len made the cake for friends.6.wolf runs away from the dogs.7.Ben brushes his teeth and washes his face every morning.8.Lucy has painted a chair for school.9.Tim and Cathy decorated the Christmas tree for the new year!
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