Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму и напишите время глагола.

1. I haven’t got a car at the moment, so I am going by bus to work this week.

2. He ……………. (shave) in the bathroom when the telephone ……… (ring).

3. He …………………….. (do) this work since 9 o'clock.

4. She …………….. (walk) down the street when she ………….. (meet) a friend.

5. Look. (It/snow) ………………………….. heavily outside.

6. The sun (rise) …………………… in the east.

7. My friends …………………. (practice) yoga for about a year.

8. I …………………….. (read) that book but I don’t like it much.

9. When I came to the airport, I suddenly realized that I (leave) ……………………………………….. my wallet at home.

10. A: I have a headache. B: I ………… (give) you an aspirin.


Ответ дал: dasha11999966

2/ was shaving (past continuous) rang past simple/

3/ has been doing (present perfect continuous)

4/  was walking (past continuous) met past simple/

5/is snowing present continuous 

6/ rises present simple 

7/ have practiced present perfect

8/ read present simple

9/ had left past perfect

10  will give future simple

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