I. Fill in articles a, an, the where it is necessary I was in … South America and in … North America.

Bill Robins was … richest man in … world. …

Hudson River empties into … Atlantic Ocean. …

Kazbek is … highest peak of … Caucasus.

The official name of this country is … United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


Ответ дал: Вероничка13

I. Fill in articles a, an, the where it is necessary I was in a South America and in a North America.

Bill Robins was a richest man in a world. A

Hudson River empties into an Atlantic Ocean. A

Kazbek is a highest peak of a Caucasus.

The official name of this country is an United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Ответ дал: irinasin4

I was in the  South America and in the North America.

Bill Robins was the  richest man in the world.

The Hudson River empties into the  Atlantic Ocean

The Kazbek is the highest peak of the  Caucasus.


The official name of this country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

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