Помогите пожалуйста СРОЧНО!!!
1. How do we get from your school to your house?
2. How do we get from your house to the station?
3. How do we get from your school to the supermarket?
4. How do we get from your school to the post office?
5. How do we get from the station to the hotel?
6. How do we get from your school to the hospital?
Нужно ответить на вопросы.


Ответ дал: GoodSchuler
1. We can go by bus.
2. We can get by taxi.
3. We can get on foot.
4. We can get by trolleybus.
5. We can get by car.
6. We can get by ambulance.

Кристина20032004: Спасибо)))
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