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Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs. 1. If I fail(fail) the exam, I'll toke(take) it again. 2. If there .......... (be) more cars on the road in the future, there ........... (be) more pollution. 3. If you .......... (see) Jane, ........... you .............. (give) her my message? 4. If pollution ............. (increase), more plants and animals ........... (die). 5. I ............ (not tell) you my secret if you ........... (not come) to Mark's party with me. 6. My parents ......... (be) really angry if they .................. (see) my bedroom!


Ответ дал: nunny
2. If there are more cars on the road in the future, there will (be) more pollution.
3. If you (see) Jane,will you (give) her my message?
4. If pollution (increases), more plants and animals will (die).
5. I  will (not tell) you my secret if you do (not come) to Mark's party with me.
6. My parents  will (be) really angry if they (see) my bedroom!
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