Заполните пропуски предлогами
1. Youssef's party is _ 4 o'clock _ Friday
2. The Russian Federation is the largest country _ the world
3. Ann is the shortest _ Mary's friends
4. She is keen _ history
5. My aunt says she likes living _ the countryside
6. It was very kind _ him to help us
7. I haven't had any contacts _ her since we left University
8. It was very far. We went there _ foot
9. I usually go to work _ underground
10. My husband works for an international company. He often goes _ business to different countries


Ответ дал: ЯнАлександр
А там были вспомогательные
слова ?
Ответ дал: nunny
1. Youssef's party is at_ 4 o'clock _on Friday
2. The Russian Federation is the largest country in_ the world
3. Ann is the shortest of_ Mary's friends
4. She is keen _on history
5. My aunt says she likes living _in the countryside
6. It was very kind _of him to help us
7. I haven't had any contacts _with her since we left University
8. It was very far. We went there _on foot
9. I usually go to work _by underground
10. My husband works for an international company. He often goes _on business to different countries
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