Fill in the gaps with the words. Sometimes you need a noun and sometimes you need a verb. What does Greenpeace do? Listen and check your answers.
Заполните пропуски.Нужна очень срочно помощь.
10 балов ваши.Заранее спасибо.

Аноним: Извините.Забыла текст написать.Вот
Аноним: Our...wants to..the environment.
We fight against water and air... .
Are you unhappy with the ecological.. in your region?
Send us some... about it and we`ll try to help


Ответ дал: NastyaK99
Our team wants to help the environment.
We fight against water and air pollution 
Are you unhappy with the ecological situation in your region?
Send us some information  about it and we`ll try to help 

Аноним: спасибо
Вас заинтересует