Образуйте от глаголов, данных в скобках, прошедшее время.

Last weekend we (go) to London by train. We (stay) at a hotel in Princess Street. It (be) cold and windy when we (arrive) in Scotland, but the hotel (be) warm and comfortable. On Sunday morning, we (get up) at 8 o’clock and (have) a good breakfast. Then we (walk) down Princess Street and (look) at the lovely shops. We (visit) the castle in the afternoon and (enjoy) sitting in the gardens. We (not / go out) in the evening, but we (stay) in the hotel and (talk) to some people from America.


Ответ дал: ndiana18
Went, stayed, it was, arrived, was, got up, had, walked, looked, visited, enjoyed, didn't go out , stayed, talked.
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