Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму. Present perfect simple( I HAVE DONE ETC) или contininuous ( I HAVE BEEN DOING ETC)

1. I....(lose) my address book. .....(you/see) it anywhere?

2. I.....(read) the book you lent me but l......(not/finish) it yet.

3. I....( read) the book you lent me, so you can have it back now.


Ответ дал: langrace
1) I have lost... Have you seen...
2) I have been reading ... but I haven't finished...
3) I have read...

catNoir1: Спасибо!
catNoir1: А можете тоже самое сделать вот с этими предложениями
catNoir1: 1. Look! Somebody.......( break) that window.

2. You look tired. .......( you/work) hard?

3. ......(you/ever/work) in a factory? No, never.

4. Jane in away on holiday. Oh, is she? Where.....( she/go)?

5. My brother is Sam actor. He.....(appear) in several films.

6. Sorry l'm Late. That's all right. I.....(not/wait) long.

7. Is it still raining? No, it.....( stop)
langrace: 1) has broken 2) have you been working 3) Have you ever worked 4) has she gone 5) has appeared 6) have not been waiting 7) has stopped
catNoir1: Спасибо! Очень вам благодарна))
langrace: пожалуйста
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