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15. Did you ____her a present? a) buy b) bought c) buying d) will buy 16. My father___ 50 next Sunday. a) is being b) will to be c) will be d) be will 17. Matt____ cook a fantastic pizza a) can b) cans c) can to d) cans to 18. I am sorry, but I ____come to your party on Saturday. a) do not can b) can do not c) can't d) not can 19. ____forget to call the bank manager this afternoon. a) You do not b) Don't c) Not d) Not to 20. Helen ____TV now. a) watches b) is watching c) watched d) will watch 21.____he buy the tickets yesterday? a) Did b) Do c) Does d) Had 22.There____ some butter on the plate


Ответ дал: nunny
15. Did you ____her a present? a) buy
16. My father___ 50 next Sunday.  c) will be
17. Matt____ cook a fantastic pizza a) can 
18. I am sorry, but I ____come to your party on Saturday. c) can't 
19. ____forget to call the bank manager this afternoon.  b) Don't 
20. Helen ____TV now.  b) is watching
21.____he buy the tickets yesterday? a) Did
22.There____ some butter on the plate a)is
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