Помогите с вторым упражнением, пожалуйста


troilzon: 1. I shall be at home tonight. 2. My friend will be a lawyer in two years. 3. My parents are teachers at the Academy. 4. At two o'clock our family is having dinner. 5. The decision will be passed on Monday. 6. He is working in the library now. 7. They are to meet at 5. 8. There is a TV set in this room. 9. There were many new words in the dictation. 10. There will be a stadium near our school.


Ответ дал: Chanel1KKT
короче у тебя сверху есть таблица! По ней и делай. Негатив - отриц. и интергатив с вопросом будущего времени. Короче таблица сверху в помощь
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