8 Work in pairs. Correct the error in a magazine article. Follow the example. THIS IS THE WORST EVER TV presenter? TV presenter Simon Forbes makes a lot of mistakes. Can you fix them?
 1 Manchester is the capital of England
2 Pollution makes the planet cooler
3 The British do not drink a lot of tea.
  4 Scotland won the World Cup in 2006. "
5 Rap music has been popular for fifty years.
6 Camels can live under water for weeks.
 7 People will live on Mercury in 2023.


Ответ дал: nunny
1 London is the capital of England
2 Pollution makes the planet warmer
3 The British drink a lot of tea.
4 Scotland didn't win the World Cup in 2006.
5 Rap music has not been popular for fifty years.
6 Camels can not live under water.
7 People will not live on Mercury in 2023.

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