Complete the dialogue. Write one world in eachh gap.
Adam: Where were you born, Rachel?
Rachel: I .... born in Ireland.
Adam: .... Yiu start school there,
Rachel: No, I .... . I ... school here, in Londol. We moved here ten years ... .
Adam: Why did .... move to London?
Rachel: We ... because my dad got a new job.
Adam: .... you miss your friends in Ireland ... you moved?
Rachel: Yes, I ... . U ... them a lot. But it was a long time ago. I'm okay now


Ответ дал: nunny
Rachel: I ..was.. born in Ireland.
Adam: ...Did you start school there?
Rachel: No, I .didn't... . I .started.. school here, in Londol. We moved here ten years .ago.. .
Adam: Why did .you... move to London?
Rachel: We .moved.. because my dad got a new job.
Adam: ..Did.. you miss your friends in Ireland .after.. you moved?
Rachel: Yes, I .did.. . I missed them a lot. But it was a long time ago. I'm okay now.

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