Fill in the gaps with a word/phrase from the list.

Thanksgiving, natives, to start a new, learned, grow crops, sailed, harvest, feast, arrived.

In 1620, a small group of people
1) _______________ from England on a ship called the Mayflower.
They wanted 2)_______________ life.
They 3)______________ in the country we now know as America. Things were very hard for them in the beginning, but the 4)_______________ of this land helped them. They 5)______________ how to 6)_______________.
In autumn, they celebrated the 7)_______________ with a 8)______________ which they later called 9)______________.


Ответ дал: AlpenGold483
1. sailed
2. to start a new 
3. arrived
4. natives
5. learned
6. grow crops
7. harvest
8. feast
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