1. My friend is a writer. She (write) many books. 2. We (not/have) a
holiday last year. 3.(you/see) Alan last week? 4. I (play) tennis yesterday
afternoon. 5. What time (you/go) to bed last night? 6. (you/ever/be) to the
United States? 7. My hair is clean. I (wash) it. 8.I (wash) my hair before
breakfast this morning. 9. When 1 was a child, I (not/like) sport. 10. Kathy loves
travelling. She (visit) many countries. 11. John works in a bookshop. He (work)
there for three years. 12. Last year we (go) to Finland for a holiday. We (stay)
there for three weeks.


Ответ дал: galina572319


1. My friend is a writer. She has written many books.

2. We (did not have) a  holiday last year.

3.(Did you see) Alan last week?    4. I (played) tennis yesterday afternoon.

5. What time (did you go) to bed last night?  

6. (Have  you ever been) to the  United States?  

7. My hair is clean.  I (have washed) it.   8. I (washed) my hair before

breakfast this morning.     9. When I was a child, I (didn't like) sport.

10. Kathy loves  travelling.  She (has visited) many countries.

11. John works in a bookshop. He (has worked)  there for three years.

12. Last year we (went) to Finland for a holiday. We (stayed)  there for three weeks.

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