Вставьте: have/haven't/has/hasn't (got).
-Excuse me,(1) ____you ___ a red pen?
-No, l (2) ____.But l (3)____ a red pencil.Here you are.
-Thank you.
-My favourite subjest is IT.
-(4)___you___a computer at home?
-No, l (5)____.But we (6)____computers at school.
-(7)____Katya___many friends in her class?
-No, she (8)____.She's new to the school.


Ответ дал: 100ethereals
1) have, got
2) haven't 3) have got
4) Have, got
5) haven't 6) have
7) Has, got
8) hasn't
Ответ дал: kategirl5
-Excuse me, have you  got a red pen?
-No, l (2) havent.But l (3) havea red pencil.Here you are.
-Thank you.
-My favourite subjest is IT.
-(4)have you got a computer at home?
-No, l (5)havent.But we (6)have computers at school.
-(7)has Katya got many friends in her class?
-No, she (8)hasnt.She's new to the school.
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