Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.
FreddieWhere did you go (you go) last year?
MikeI went to Japan.
FreddieFantastic! When 1 _________ (you go)?
MikeIn the summer.
FreddieWho 2 _________ (you go) with?
MikeI went with Sam, but we had a few problems.
FreddieWhat 3 _________ (happen)?
MikeWe lost our passports.
FreddieReally? What 4 _________ (you do)?
MikeWe went to the police station.
FreddieWhat 5 _________ (they say)?
MikeWell – the passports were there!
FreddieThat was lucky! Who 6 _________ (find) them?
MikeTwo children – in a park.
FreddieThat was very lucky!


Ответ дал: 100ethereals
1) did you go
2) did you go
3) happened
4)did you do
5) did they say
6) found
Ответ дал: McViti
Freddie: Fantastic! When (did you go)? Mike: In the summer. Freddie: Who (did you go) with? Mike: I went with Sam, but we had a few problems. Freddie: What (happened)? Mike: We lost our passports. Freddie: Really? What (did you do)? Mike: We went to the police station. Freddie: What (did they say)? Mike: Well – the passports were there! Freddie: That was lucky! Who (found) them?
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